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Хаджийската къща
Хаджийската къща е душата на комплекса. Тя е първата, която възстановихме и отворихме за гости, оттук започнахме всичко. В нейния двор се намира и механата, в която посрещаме посетителите си. Къщата е по-специална – не само за нас и не само, заради нашите спомени с нея.
Гаватовската къща
Елиновската къща
Елиновската къща е кацнала на върха на Турската махала – едно от най-високите места в селото и изгледът от нея е великолепен. В нея някога се е помещавало първото килийно училище. Тя също е паметник на културата. Това е най-малката ни къща: състои се от три апартамента тип мезонет, всеки с отделен вход.

Зала за събития
40 места
60 кв. м

Механата на „Косовските къщи” се намира в двора на Хаджийската къща, в преустроената стара плевня. Тук властва духът на Родопите и Възраждането – от каменните дувари и тежките букови мебели до апетитните местни гозби, със съвременна интерпретация. Родопският пататник, боб-чорбата са само част от специалитетите на нашия шеф-готвач Петко Шаранков.
32 вътрешни
12 места
25 места

Последни новини
Специална оферта за двама в село Косово Потопете се в уютната атмосфера на нашия
Второ лято поред – лятото на 2024 година – Наталия и Рикардо са скъпи гости,
От началото на юли механата на Хаджийската къща има ново сърце – шеф Петко

Клиентите за нас
The village is idyllic & peaceful, the only sounds at night being the river & owls. The rooms are simple ut beautifully restored. Indeed the buildings are beautifully restored throughout... More the village. The attached restaurant serves a concise menu of dishes freshly made on site, some featuring ingredients from their own garden. Svetlana and the restaurant staff are all welcoming, friendly & efficient. An hour's drive down a dramatically beautiful valley from Plovdiv - the drive itself is a delight.
03/08/2023Idyllic - The village is idyllic & peaceful, the only sounds at night being the river & owls. The rooms are simple ut beautifully restored. Indeed the buildings are beautifully restored throughout... More the village. The attached restaurant serves a concise menu of dishes freshly made on site, some featuring ingredients from their own garden. Svetlana and the restaurant staff are all welcoming, friendly & efficient. An hour's drive down a dramatically beautiful valley from Plovdiv - the drive itself is a delight.
David R
01/08/2023Прекрасно, тихо, спокойно, красиво село в уникалната българска Родопа планина, чист и уютен хотелски комплекс, вкусна храна в ресторанта, гостоприемни, отзивчиви и добри собственици! Бихме се... More върнали отново! Благодарим от сърце! Бъдете здрави! Успех!
Wonderful, quiet, peaceful, beautiful village in the unique Bulgarian Rhodope Mountains, clean and cozy hotel complex, delicious food in the restaurant, hospitable, responsive and good owners! We would be back again! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Be healthy! Success!
08/05/2021 -
I recommend, come, feel, see - Прекрасно, тихо, спокойно, красиво село в уникалната българска Родопа планина, чист и уютен хотелски комплекс, вкусна храна в ресторанта, гостоприемни, отзивчиви и добри собственици! Бихме се... More върнали отново! Благодарим от сърце! Бъдете здрави! Успех!
Wonderful, quiet, peaceful, beautiful village in the unique Bulgarian Rhodope Mountains, clean and cozy hotel complex, delicious food in the restaurant, hospitable, responsive and good owners! We would be back again! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Be healthy! Success!Ирина Б
01/05/2021The place is clean and wonderful, the kitchen is traditionally and very tasty , the staff is very polite and friendly. This is very fantastic place..,..... You have to visit... More it with friends or family.
27/04/2021Very nice, polite and friendly people - The place is clean and wonderful, the kitchen is traditionally and very tasty , the staff is very polite and friendly. This is very fantastic place.., .. You have to... More visit it with friends or family.
Рая К
01/04/2021 -
Great hosts - intelligent,kind and hospitable. Absolutely amazing food made of real locally grown meat and tasty vegetables.clean rooms. TripAdvisor wants me to write 200 words, so - go read... More the autobiography of Edward Snowden,it's great.
16/10/2020The village of Kosovo is located close to the second largest city in Bulgaria - Plovdiv.
The rooms are decorated in Bulgarian traditional style. They are warm and cosy.... More The food is very delicious. I recommend if somebody need silence and calmness.
23/02/2020The village of Kosovo is located close to the second largest city in Bulgaria - Plovdiv.
The rooms are decorated in Bulgarian traditional style. They are warm and cosy.... More The food is very delicious. I recommend if somebody need silence and calmness.
23/02/2020 -
The village of Kosovo is located close to the second largest city in Bulgaria - Plovdiv.
The rooms are decorated in Bulgarian traditional style. They are warm and cosy.... More The food is very delicious. I recommend if somebody need silence and calmness.
23/02/2020Peaceful place - The village of Kosovo is located close to the second largest city in Bulgaria - Plovdiv.
The rooms are decorated in Bulgarian traditional style. They are warm and cosy.... More The food is very delicious. I recommend if somebody need silence and calmness.Me
01/02/2020A group of 23 people had an unforgettable-two-day experience at the complex. We had booked the rooms in two of the houses well in advance and had arranged everything with... More the complex management: the half board menu, the timing of both of the meals, the conference hall which was used for the yoga sessions, the heating, the pre-sessional warm lemon water and tea, the sights in the area and what is worth visiting and seeing. Everyone was pleasantly surprised by the warm welcome of the staff both in terms of attitude and readiness to help and comply with anything anyone of us would need.
The magic of the place is indescribable - one has to visit it to feel it. In a nutshell - it is so peaceful and quiet, the air is so thin, transparent and crystal clear, the silence engulfs you in a way which makes you integrate and personify yourself with nature irrevocably, feeling like a small peck of organic matter in the universe. The unique atmosphere grabs you with its serenity to an extent to which your brain starts to instigate the release of oxyitocin in your body and you feel light, care-free, relieved from the burden of everyday routine, ready to bond with your immediate surroundings far from the maddening crowd of city life.
The Complex itself features the unique combination of traditional ethnographic architecture and the amenities of modern life which have been skilfully and unobtrusively incorporated in the design of the rooms. Wooden floors, wood carved ceilings, natural fibre materials for the bedding made of wool and cotton are complemented by the warmth of the local central heating and the modern bathroom area which comes equipped with a shower and toiletries.
It takes you some time to notice the great attention to detail in the interior design which helps you go back to long forgotten times – traditional Bulgarian carpets in each room made of wool, electric night lamps, imitating gas lanterns, wooden wardrobes, candles that were part of the traditional life of the local people at the beginning of the 20th century, dried mountain flowers in traditional vases besides the wooden staircases leading the upper floor – typical features of traditional mountain houses in the Rhodope mountains. Your senses are busy to enjoy the picturesque view of the mountain that gives shelter to the other traditional houses, to breathe in the specific mixture of wooden furniture, woollen carpets and blankets, clean cotton, fresh mountain air filled with the scent of herbs, pine trees, wet soil and tranquillity. As soon as you leave your belongings in the room, you feel tempted to explore the nearby buildings where the restaurant or the conference hall are. You feel as a dweller of an ancient times village combining the best of two worlds – there is a lift for the luggage (modern); and at the same time you walk along cobbled stone paths connecting the different houses in the complex (ancient).
The food – traditional for the Rhodope Mountains region, full of flavours and spices, nourishing, delicious and tasty. The three-course meal set menus included typical Bulgarian dishes from the local area: a variety of salads and appetizers, seasoned with dressing and herbs from the neighbouring greenhouse, the steaming main courses which the friendly staff had prepared in traditional Bulgarian clay pots itched everybody’s nostrils playfully with their delectable aroma, the desserts – simple yet mouth-watering and flavoursome, once you have tried them you can’t stop until you finish them.
The service – the Kosovo Houses Complex has been officially rated as a three-star accommodation facility. The staff, however, did not come up to these expectations – they exceeded them immensely! Helpful, considerate, ready to assist in anything from parking your car in the tiny roadways to providing essential and genuine advice on feasible outings and places to enjoy in the area – you name it, they will be there for you any time you need them. In this respect the Complex has been underrated greatly!
All in all, the Kosovo Houses Complex could be something to put on your bucket list. Trust us – you won’t regret it!
17/11/2019 -
Yoga weekend - A group of 23 people had an unforgettable-two-day experience at the complex. We had booked the rooms in two of the houses well in advance and had arranged everything with... More the complex management: the half board menu, the timing of both of the meals, the conference hall which was used for the yoga sessions, the heating, the pre-sessional warm lemon water and tea, the sights in the area and what is worth visiting and seeing. Everyone was pleasantly surprised by the warm welcome of the staff both in terms of attitude and readiness to help and comply with anything anyone of us would need.
The magic of the place is indescribable - one has to visit it to feel it. In a nutshell - it is so peaceful and quiet, the air is so thin, transparent and crystal clear, the silence engulfs you in a way which makes you integrate and personify yourself with nature irrevocably, feeling like a small peck of organic matter in the universe. The unique atmosphere grabs you with its serenity to an extent to which your brain starts to instigate the release of oxyitocin in your body and you feel light, care-free, relieved from the burden of everyday routine, ready to bond with your immediate surroundings far from the maddening crowd of city life.
The Complex itself features the unique combination of traditional ethnographic architecture and the amenities of modern life which have been skilfully and unobtrusively incorporated in the design of the rooms. Wooden floors, wood carved ceilings, natural fibre materials for the bedding made of wool and cotton are complemented by the warmth of the local central heating and the modern bathroom area which comes equipped with a shower and toiletries.
It takes you some time to notice the great attention to detail in the interior design which helps you go back to long forgotten times – traditional Bulgarian carpets in each room made of wool, electric night lamps, imitating gas lanterns, wooden wardrobes, candles that were part of the traditional life of the local people at the beginning of the 20th century, dried mountain flowers in traditional vases besides the wooden staircases leading the upper floor – typical features of traditional mountain houses in the Rhodope mountains. Your senses are busy to enjoy the picturesque view of the mountain that gives shelter to the other traditional houses, to breathe in the specific mixture of wooden furniture, woollen carpets and blankets, clean cotton, fresh mountain air filled with the scent of herbs, pine trees, wet soil and tranquillity. As soon as you leave your belongings in the room, you feel tempted to explore the nearby buildings where the restaurant or the conference hall are. You feel as a dweller of an ancient times village combining the best of two worlds – there is a lift for the luggage (modern); and at the same time you walk along cobbled stone paths connecting the different houses in the complex (ancient).
The food – traditional for the Rhodope Mountains region, full of flavours and spices, nourishing, delicious and tasty. The three-course meal set menus included typical Bulgarian dishes from the local area: a variety of salads and appetizers, seasoned with dressing and herbs from the neighbouring greenhouse, the steaming main courses which the friendly staff had prepared in traditional Bulgarian clay pots itched everybody’s nostrils playfully with their delectable aroma, the desserts – simple yet mouth-watering and flavoursome, once you have tried them you can’t stop until you finish them.
The service – the Kosovo Houses Complex has been officially rated as a three-star accommodation facility. The staff, however, did not come up to these expectations – they exceeded them immensely! Helpful, considerate, ready to assist in anything from parking your car in the tiny roadways to providing essential and genuine advice on feasible outings and places to enjoy in the area – you name it, they will be there for you any time you need them. In this respect the Complex has been underrated greatly!
All in all, the Kosovo Houses Complex could be something to put on your bucket list. Trust us – you won’t regret it!Marian
01/11/2019This is a great find for everyone who loves nature and history, the village is restored with authentic period materials. Very cozy and comfortable, good spot for hiking there are... More also ruins of the old village around.
28/04/2019Background: we are two couples who had been hiking for just under a week, this was our last village stop before Sofia.
Arrival: we were lucky to arrive in... More beautiful weather, the guest house is in a quiet village with amazing views. Friendly greeting from the delightful owner and her family.
Room: good size, comfortable bed, great shower, those views again!
Food: nice choices for four vegetarians, very traditional and fresh, good wines with a nice story.
Area: we really wish we could have stayed longer and taken advantage of the marked hiking trails. Lovely place to stay, thank you for creating such a wonderful place for us to share. More
31/05/2018 -
Background: we are two couples who had been hiking for just under a week, this was our last village stop before Sofia.
Arrival: we were lucky to arrive in... More beautiful weather, the guest house is in a quiet village with amazing views. Friendly greeting from the delightful owner and her family.
Room: good size, comfortable bed, great shower, those views again!
Food: nice choices for four vegetarians, very traditional and fresh, good wines with a nice story.
Area: we really wish we could have stayed longer and taken advantage of the marked hiking trails. Lovely place to stay, thank you for creating such a wonderful place for us to share.
31/05/2018Go, go , go! Before this place gets commercialized like other bastions of traditional Bulgarian architecture. The pristine atmosphere in the village is not the outcome of a happy story... More - back in the 70's, the settlement was 1500 people strong, and nowadays the local population has shriveled to just a few houses inhabited all year round. And yet, what is being done with the properties which are currently being renovated is worthy of respect. There is a lot of regard for local materials and traditional building techniques.
There's many walks to be had in the region, including a panoramic tour of the village, a journey across the river and the abandoned flour mill, as well as (my favourite) a hike to the three chapels in the nearby hills. Feast on traditional recipes like the hand-picked pickled mushrooms and the locally raised trout. If you are traveling by car and have a few hours to spare for a walk, make sure to go to the wonderful Slivodolsko Padalo waterfall nearby.
30/05/2018Perfect - Background: we are two couples who had been hiking for just under a week, this was our last village stop before Sofia.
Arrival: we were lucky to arrive in... More beautiful weather, the guest house is in a quiet village with amazing views. Friendly greeting from the delightful owner and her family.
Room: good size, comfortable bed, great shower, those views again!
Food: nice choices for four vegetarians, very traditional and fresh, good wines with a nice story.
Area: we really wish we could have stayed longer and taken advantage of the marked hiking trails. Lovely place to stay, thank you for creating such a wonderful place for us to share.Linda G
01/05/2018 -
I really loved the stay. Kosovo is now my favorite village in Bulgaria. If you're looking for a peaceful and tranquil place to rest, don't hesitate, but book now!
... More /> The complex is made up of 3 houses (to rent) and we stayed in the one that's situated just by the restaurant. It's really modern, but at the same time done up in a way to reflect authentic Bulgarian atmosphere. Loved the mattresses! You'll get a really good sleep. I was afraid that the local doggos might bark all night, but they are really well-behaved 🙂 I didn't hear a sound.
We didn't arrive by car, so the owners were nice enough to pick us up from the nearby village. The village is tiny, but there're hiking opportunities around and just the view from the window is enough just to make the stay worthwhile.
The owners are super nice and they will amaze you in how many languages you can communicate.
I also need to mention the SUPER food. I probably had the best banitsa so far and I will never learn to make such great patatnik 🙁
I wish I could have stayed longer cause one night is not enough.
Thank you for having us and I hope to come back one day. Maybe in the autumns to see the other colours.
20/04/2018These are a couple of very well preserved and restored traditional houses, with true Rodopi mountain atmosphere. The hosts were very kind, they serve traditional house prepared meals in the... More main house's pub.
31/03/2018Authentic Bulgarian village. His history follows the usual fortune of most of the Bulgarian villages - just when they start to be prosperous and full of life and authentic local... More style, the communist authority done the nationalisation and step by step everything start to ruin more than 50 years. Now there are few people who start to invest in renovation. There are two big houses turned to authentic 3 star hotel and several houses with guest rooms. A few people renovate several houses. So there are a lot ruined houses, school, church, totally closed and ruined municipality with pub. ..but generally the nature is awesome. There are some virgin tourists roots and it's close to Narechen spa center. The ones can go there by foot. It's wonderful antistress place where every guest is welcome with hospitality. Go there if you are in Bulgaria.
31/12/2017 -
We stayed for one night after walking in the mountains before heading to Plovdiv. The house we stayed in had been updated and was very comfortable and clean - we... More had a set meal for dinner which was very nice.
Our host was most welcoming and it would have been nice to have been able to stay for longer to explore the area.