Day Trip to the Marvelous Bridges

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Also known as the ‘Wonderful Bridges’ or the ‘Rock Bridges’ the phenomenon was formed by the erosive activity of the once larger Erkyupryia River. It transformed the marble clefts into a deep-water cave, the ceiling of which eroded through time and collapsed, possibly during an earthquake.

It takes only about 45 minutes by car from the village of Kosovo to get to the Wonderful Bridges. It’s a very popular place for tourists and you might even be able to zip-line there. You can bring your own lunch and use the space provided to light a fire, or eat the local restaurant.

There are actually two bridge formations in close proximity to each other, but only the big formation is accessible to tourists. It’s truly a sight to behold when you pass under the cave-like gigantic roof, the sheer size is staggerings. Great place for a picture or exploring. You will find a few smaller caves that have formed on the sides of the ”bridge”. Just be careful where you step, the rocks can be slippery due to moisture from the river (more of a stream nowadays).

The Wonderful Bridges are included among the 100 National Touristic Places of the Bulgarian Touristic Union, under number 85.

A short video from the day trip:

Route to the Wonderful Bridges by car: